For Dealers

DMD-Tech sees huge opportunities in the development of solar energy in Russia. To obtain a favorable competitive advantage, it is necessary to place products in the regions in order to reduce the time for production, delivery, installation and launch of solar power plants. This way of development implies partnership associations and cooperation.

If you are ready to become a partner and earn money on the sales of support structures with us, we are ready to consider the possibility of joint cooperation.

For our part, we offer:

  • Assortment for pitched roofs, flat roofs, ground mounted systems, carports

  • Dealer prices and additional discounts,

  • Favorable payment terms.

  • Advertising materials.

  • Samples, if necessary, stands.

  • Distribution of orders among Dealers, according to the service regions.

  • Advertising of your company, website on our information resources.

Send us an apply, and we will prepare a cooperation offer for you.


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